Constitution ( Last update and agreed by committee 28/04/2018)
1 - Name
The name of the Club will be Moulsham Lodge Camera Club (herein after called the “Club”)
2 - Purpose
The Aim of the Club shall be the practice and promotion of photography amongst its members and members of the public.
The Objectives of the Club are to expand photographic knowledge and skills through lectures, competitions, tuition and other activities within a social environment.
3 - Membership
Membership becomes valid on payment of the yearly subscription payable no later than 3 weeks after the annual season opens. Members have the amenities, rights and obligations described within this constitution. It is a condition of membership that members agree to abide by the constitution.
Young persons under the age of 16 years will only be admitted to membership upon obtaining the written permission of a parent or legal guardian and must be accompanied on visits to the Club by an adult approved by the parent or guardian if not themselves, in this case written permission will also be required from the parent or guardian relating to this adult.
Only fully paid up members may enter competitions. If a new Member joins the Club part way through the year, a pro-rata subscription will be payable
4 - Officers
The business of the Club will be conducted by Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting and who will form the Committee.
The Committee shall consist of the
Programme Secretary(ies)
Competition Secretary(ies)
Publicity and Webmaster
Safeguarding Officer(s)
The Term of Office for an Officer of the Club (except that of President) shall be until the next Annual General Meeting. At the end of their Term of Office, each Officer required to do so will submit a report to the Club concerning the activities for which he/she was responsible in the past year, after which all the Officers of the Club will then resign.
Should any officer of the Club resign before their Term of Office is completed, the other Officers shall co-opt a Member of the Club who is willing to accept the post, the appointment being agreed by the other Club Members then present.
The Officers of the Club will be elected by a majority vote. Any Member, including past Officers, may stand for election, having first been Proposed and Seconded by two other Members.
The President
The President is elected at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting (convened solely for that purpose) for a 3 year term, otherwise only resigning when called upon to do so by a majority vote of the Club Members at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The President’s duties are to take the Chair at the Annual General Meeting when the Officers resign until the new Chairman is elected, and to give rulings and advice on procedure and customs in the Club.
The Chairman
To facilitate all club meetings. This involves opening and closing the meeting, ensuring that the meeting runs to schedule and relating information, as required, to the membership. When lecturers or judges attend a meeting, this also involves introducing them.
To facilitate and chair all Committee meetings. This involves setting the agenda for the meetings, ensuring that the meetings run to schedule, that the Committee stays on agenda and that all members have a chance to air their views. Where required, the Chairman shall also act as final decision maker.
To set the agenda for and chair the Club’s General Meetings.
To support the other Committee members, as required, and to ensure that all actions are addressed in good time to ensure the smooth running of the club.
To ensure that the best interests of the club and the membership are addressed at all times.
The Secretary
The Secretary will keep all necessary Minutes of the Club, Committee and General Meetings, and will conduct the correspondence of the Club with the help of the other Officers where required. He/she will also keep the record of the Proposers, Seconders, and Voting at the Annual General Meeting.
The Treasurer
The Treasurer will collect all Subscriptions and Monies due to the Club, and will pay all accounts outstanding against the Club, and will present for Members’ scrutiny at the Annual General Meeting his/her Balance Sheet of the Club’s Finances, such Balance Sheet having been examined by the Club’s Auditors appointed for that purpose who are not Officers of the Club or hold a post in the Club. The treasurer will also hold the data protection consent documents required for member contact purposes.
5 - Subscriptions & Fees
The Annual Subscription will fall due on the 1st meeting of the New Club Year and must be paid by the 3rd week of January.
The cost of membership and classes of such are held by the treasurer and should the Annual Subscription be increased by Members’ vote at an AGM the increase will be payable as the Members at that Meeting shall so decide.
6 - AGM
The Annual General Meeting will be called once a year, approximately twelve months from the previous one. The date of the next AGM will be provided in the programme by the Programme Secretary.
The purpose of the Annual General meeting is to inform the Members of the state of the Club’s finances, its condition, to elect Officers to carry out duties of the Club, and to discuss and/or vote on any business which is the concern of the Club.
All matters pertaining to the Club shall be decided by the Members by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, and once so decided cannot be altered except at such a Meeting, or upon the Secretary being authorised to call an Extraordinary General Meeting, convened for that sole purpose.
7 - Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting will be called by the Secretary acting upon the authorisation of a Quorum of the Committee, or upon a Petition for same being presented to him/her by any Member, detailing the reason for calling such a Meeting, together with the signatures of FIVE other Members.
8 - Expulsion of a Member
A member of the Club will be expelled if:-
Their subscription has not been paid in the agreed period and is still not paid at the Meeting following a Warning by a Club Officer who is acting with the authority of the Committee.
There is a majority vote to do so at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.
9 - Dissolution
The Club may be dissolved by the members at an Extra Ordinary General Meeting held after at least four weeks notice and the resolution shall only be deemed passed if more than three quarters of the votes cast are in favour. In the event of dissolution of the club, subject to there being no debtors or creditors for settlement which would ordinarily be organised paid and collected as a priority, any residual funds in either current account or savings accounts, plus the funds from any saleable assets, once realised, will be distributed equally between two charities, the British Heart Foundation and Cancer Research UK. Any residual equipment will be offered to other local camera clubs.
10 - Other Matters
Any matter not covered by this Constitution will first be resolved by the Committee and then, where necessary, be put to the Club Members for their decision.