During the year a number of competitions will be held, the winner of each will receive a trophy, which will be presented at the Annual Christmas Social.
Trophies or Certificates to be awarded for the following:
Print Open (League) (Colour and Mono)
Digital Projected Image Open (League) (Colour and Mono)
Print of the Year Colour Print
Print of the Year Mono Print
Digital Projected Image of the Year Colour
Digital Projected Image of the Year Mono
Portrait of the Year Colour Print
Portrait of the Year Mono Print
Portrait of the Year Digital Projected Image Colour
Portrait of the Year Digital Projected Image Mono
The League Winners are the members who gain the highest total points in each category either colour or mono.
Points will be awarded as follows:
First Place – 8 points
Second Place – 6 points
Third Place – 4 points
Highly Commended – 2 points
Commended – 1 point
Plus 1 point for each entry submitted
All prints and Digital Images must be the work of the member. Prints can be either Home or Trade Processed.
Images placed 1st,2nd or 3rd can then only be used in ”Of The Year” competitions. Any non placed image as well as highly commended and commended may be used once more in any league competition as well as “Of The Year”. Digital and print competition entries may only be used for a maximum of 2 years once they have been entered for the first time. This is to encourage members to expand their photography skills and to add more variety to the Club's competitions.
The Portrait of the Year Winner cannot be entered into the Print or DPI of the Year Competitions or into any further league competitions.
Digital Images: All entries must be to a maximum size of 1600 x 1200 pixels x 72 dpi.
All entries must be titled as follows:-. Your Name%Title.jpg E.G. Chris Payne%The Sunset.jpg - NOTE: initial capitals to be used.
You MUST have a % between your name and the title (it is also important that files are .jpg and not .jpeg) the software only recognises this combination.
A competition entry that has been used as a print image may not be entered as a digital image in any digital competition and vice versa. All digital and print images may be used for presentation on the Club’s website and facebook page, and for outside competitions after the competition has been judged. All incorrect entries will be rejected. Images must be emailed or handed in on disc or memory stick. Any entries received after the deadlines will not be entered. Please do not send entries as a reply to any call for entries email, or as a reply to any chain of conversations as your entries may well be lost in the ether.
The number of entries for each Competition is as follows:
First Open Category, Digital – 4 images (2 x Colour; 2 x Mono);
First Open Category, Prints – 4 prints (2 x Colour; 2 x Mono);
Digital League Open – 1 Colour Digital Image,1 Mono Digital Image;
Print League Open – 1 Colour Print;1 Mono Print;
Portrait of the Year, Digital - 2 Colour DPI & 2 Mono DPI;
Portrait of the Year, Prints - 2 Colour Prints & 2 Mono Prints;
Print of the Year - 2 Colour Prints & 2 Mono Prints;
Digital Image of the Year - 2 Colour DPI & 2 Mono DPI;
Colour and Monochrome Prints:
Entries must be mounted and bear the name of the member and competition on the back, all prints must be titled.
Minimum 15.25cm x 10.0cm (6” x 4”).
Maximum print size is 30.00cm x 40.00cm (11.8” x 15.75”).
Mounted on a maximum size of 40.00cm x 50.00cm (15.75” x 19.7”).
A competition entry that has been used as a digital image may not be entered as a print image in any print competition.
During the year a number of competitions will be held, the winner of each will receive a trophy, which will be presented at the Annual Christmas Social.
Trophies or Certificates to be awarded for the following:
Print Open (League) (Colour and Mono)
Digital Projected Image Open (League) (Colour and Mono)
Print of the Year Colour Print
Print of the Year Mono Print
Digital Projected Image of the Year Colour
Digital Projected Image of the Year Mono
Portrait of the Year Colour Print
Portrait of the Year Mono Print
Portrait of the Year Digital Projected Image Colour
Portrait of the Year Digital Projected Image Mono
The League Winners are the members who gain the highest total points in each category either colour or mono.
Points will be awarded as follows:
First Place – 8 points
Second Place – 6 points
Third Place – 4 points
Highly Commended – 2 points
Commended – 1 point
Plus 1 point for each entry submitted
All prints and Digital Images must be the work of the member. Prints can be either Home or Trade Processed.
Images placed 1st,2nd or 3rd can then only be used in ”Of The Year” competitions. Any non placed image as well as highly commended and commended may be used once more in any league competition as well as “Of The Year”. Digital and print competition entries may only be used for a maximum of 2 years once they have been entered for the first time. This is to encourage members to expand their photography skills and to add more variety to the Club's competitions.
The Portrait of the Year Winner cannot be entered into the Print or DPI of the Year Competitions or into any further league competitions.
Digital Images: All entries must be to a maximum size of 1600 x 1200 pixels x 72 dpi.
All entries must be titled as follows:-. Your Name%Title.jpg E.G. Chris Payne%The Sunset.jpg - NOTE: initial capitals to be used.
You MUST have a % between your name and the title (it is also important that files are .jpg and not .jpeg) the software only recognises this combination.
A competition entry that has been used as a print image may not be entered as a digital image in any digital competition and vice versa. All digital and print images may be used for presentation on the Club’s website and facebook page, and for outside competitions after the competition has been judged. All incorrect entries will be rejected. Images must be emailed or handed in on disc or memory stick. Any entries received after the deadlines will not be entered. Please do not send entries as a reply to any call for entries email, or as a reply to any chain of conversations as your entries may well be lost in the ether.
The number of entries for each Competition is as follows:
First Open Category, Digital – 4 images (2 x Colour; 2 x Mono);
First Open Category, Prints – 4 prints (2 x Colour; 2 x Mono);
Digital League Open – 1 Colour Digital Image,1 Mono Digital Image;
Print League Open – 1 Colour Print;1 Mono Print;
Portrait of the Year, Digital - 2 Colour DPI & 2 Mono DPI;
Portrait of the Year, Prints - 2 Colour Prints & 2 Mono Prints;
Print of the Year - 2 Colour Prints & 2 Mono Prints;
Digital Image of the Year - 2 Colour DPI & 2 Mono DPI;
Colour and Monochrome Prints:
Entries must be mounted and bear the name of the member and competition on the back, all prints must be titled.
Minimum 15.25cm x 10.0cm (6” x 4”).
Maximum print size is 30.00cm x 40.00cm (11.8” x 15.75”).
Mounted on a maximum size of 40.00cm x 50.00cm (15.75” x 19.7”).
A competition entry that has been used as a digital image may not be entered as a print image in any print competition.